Monday, March 4, 2013

The Papal Contenders for 2013 after Pope Benedict XVI

After Pope Benedict XVI resigned from his post, names of the cardinals are now being weighed for their chance of candidacy. The possible candidates must be "papabile," or translated from the Italian, "pope-able." In Tagalog, we can perhaps use loosely the term, "papable" (whose word reference is "papa" to mean "pope" or in Tagalog slang, "male with so much charisma; handsome."

According to John Allen, CNN analyst and correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter, the following is a list of "papabile" or "papable" cardinals.

Photo Credit: Getty Images | via CNN International
* click the image for larger view *

(TOP, L-R) Angelo Bagnasco, Joao Braz De Aviz, Timothy Dolan,
Peter Erdo, Marc Ouellet, Gianfranco Ravasi
(BOTTOM, L-R) Leonardo Sandri, Odilo Pedro Scherer, 
Christoph Schonborn, Angelo Scola, Luis Tagle, Peter Turkson

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